
7 – Eye contact

Making eye contact is an integral part of communication. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, yet eye contact has significantly reduced in society. Many walk around with their heads buried in the phones or looking straight ahead with minimum eye contact.

We have become disconnected from our fellow humans. Afraid to interact and connect. How lost we have become. Eye contact is vital for human health and interaction. Watch every newborn baby and how they search and gaze into the mother's eyes. We form connections and bonds through eye contact. It's a shame that our natural, innate way of connecting to others has been lost.

Technology claims to bring the world together, to connect everyone, everywhere. Yet if you look around, you will find more and more disconnect within humanity.

From today, start to initiate eye contact. Begin to look people in the eyes. Look for no more than three seconds, then look away. Accompany the eye contact with a small smile to ensure hostility isn't conveyed.

This will be harder than you think because most people avoid eye contact, especially in built-up cities and towns. They will look away as you begin to make eye contact. Don't worry too much about this. You are doing this for yourself.

By initiating eye contact, you are raising your confidence levels. You're connecting with people. Again, it is stepping out of your comfort zone and expanding your experience. It is all part of your learning and growing, mentally, physically and emotionally. 

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