
42 – Practice open, assertive body language

How we hold our body tells a lot about us and how we feel. Think about it, when you are feeling down or sad,

how do you carry yourself?

What does your posture look like?

It will likely be closed, head down, hunched over and eyes looking to the floor. Your shoulders will be dropped, and your breathing will be shallow.

Now think about confident, happy people.

What does their posture look like?

They stand tall, head up high, eyes straight, shoulders back and chest out. This is how you will spend time walking around this week, holding strong, confident body language as much as possible.

We can change how we feel by changing our body posture. If you're feeling down or flat, you can change how you feel by altering your posture. When you shift into a confident posture, your feeling will also change alongside it.

Try it out, experiment and spend this week moving around your world with open, assertive body language.

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