
11 – What is your state of mind?

The point of this is awareness. We aim to discover what your state of mind is like for most of the day.

Do you feel:




Or do you feel:




Is the state of your mind mainly positive or negative?

If you're mainly in a positive state, great continue to do so. This is where we want you to be for most of the day. Obviously, we can't always be in a positive state all the time. Being human is embracing all emotions. However, how much of the day is spent dwelling, moaning, or complaining?

Notice how you feel for the majority of the day. If your time is spent being more negative, start continuously questioning what you're thinking and doing to feel this way. Are you holding on to things too much? Do you dwell on why things aren't going right?

As you become more aware of how and why you feel the way you do, you can begin to make small changes and adjustments to shift your state of mind. By shifting focus, you can shift your state.

Focus on what you are grateful for and the little things that bring you joy. This could be family members, friends or even a pet. The more we focus on the positives, the more we shift our perspective and state of mind to a life worth living.

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